Transmitter working

I played with wiring mics up to the radio a little more, not having much luck.  Seems the Cobra power mic had the best response.

I got the radio working today.  I first tried it on 40 meters AM.  Band conditions were bad, so I switched to 80 meters.  It sounded decent on my SDR, and my friend was able to copy me.  However the receive on AM wasn't very good.  I noticed that the narrow CW filter appears to be operating in the AM mode.  So audio was really pinched.

I started to see the proper IC movement.  When I switched over to ALC, it was indicating as it should.  This was the first time I've seen the ALC action working in SSB mode.
I proceeded to LSB and was able to have a good QSO with my friend on 75 Meters LSB.
I played with the mic gain and power mic gain, and it was sounding real good.  Setting 6 on the mic and setting 8 on the radio.

I'll call that a success.  Looks like I'm getting at least 100 watts SSB out of it.  I'll need to check it on an accurate PEP watt meter though...


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