Coming back after a break

Well it has been quite a while since I last worked on the FT-101s.

I've done quite a few projects in the meantime including repairing Hallicrafters, Collins, and National receivers. 
I have gained some more and better equipment also.

Anyway I still had this FT101 sitting under the workbench, so I finally cleaned the bench off and put this baby on it. 
Initial tests weren't too good.  But it turned out that I just needed to Deoxit the volume pot and RF gain pot again.  I also put some on the band switch. 
After that, the internal calibrators seemed to be working correctly and I was getting internal signals.

So I hooked it up to my Service monitor and gave it a signal.  I'm happy to report that it could hear .5uV signals on 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meters.  I didn't play around with 10 meters too much because I don't remember what frequency crystals are in it.

So far it is looking pretty good.  I did check the clarifier, and it is off frequency, so I will have to re-align the RX and TX frequencies.


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